Monday 12 February 2018

Finale NotePad for Elementary Composition Part Two (Classroom Strategies)

Last week's blog post introduced you to Finale NotePad for collaborative composition in the elementary music classroom. The video included with that post takes you through a step-by-step process for setting up a file and includes many helpful tips for the classroom.

This week's video, the second and final part in the series, digs much deeper into strategies for making the best use of this free software with primary and elementary students. You will view two groups of students working collaboratively to create an original composition for piano.

The first group is a small class of first graders who compose using only middle C, D and E of the treble clef. Their portion of the video begins at 0:52. The second group of students are in grades four through six and compose with a slightly extended range of notes and rhythms. You may view those students at 5:32 in the video.

My current classes are quite small, but I have also experienced great success using this software in much larger public school music classrooms. The strategies for use are quite similar. Of course, if you don't have access to a keyboard lab, your composition projects will likely be for recorder using a different range of notes. I can assure you that the excitement of your students will be well worth the extra time and effort in undertaking a project like this!

I hope you enjoy this video on using Finale NotePad with students:

Please don't hesitate to leave a question in the comments. 

Thanks for reading and watching, and don't forget to follow me on TpT!

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